Sunday, April 09, 2006

Annual Dinner Meeting

The Annual Dinner Meeting was.... AWESOME!

The place was great, the company was terrific, the food was almost fantastic and the meeting was actually not boring. Go figure, and God even showed up.

We heard about PK's three tiered plan for 2006, Quality, small groups and communication.
Quality: has to do with the overall quality of everything we do at CCC. Getting better in our events, presentations and overall approach to everything we do.

Small groups: has to do with the effort we are putting into small group ministry and the launch we are going to have this fall. Small groups are an important part of what we do as we try to become more like Jesus and as we seek to connect with other people in meaningful friendships.

Communication: this is just how we process and pass on information. We NEED to get better at communicating information so you can get the information you need. We want a community of people that are informed and onboard with where God is leading us as we move forward.

PJ shared his vision for making us more outreach focused for 2006 and helping us to grab onto God's heart for people who are far from him. One way is by seeing who God has placed in our lives and beginning to pray for them and then inviting them to come to our 10:30 seeker service. God will change the lives of people by using us to touch them in significant ways.

PM shared his vision for the Worship Arts area. Talking about the distinctions and the targets between the three services.
10:30am - Seekers, people who don't know God, but are seeking to discover more about him.
So our focus in that service will be to meet their needs and point them to Jesus.
12:15pm - Believers the goal here is going deep in worship and teaching, to encourage and equip believers for ministry.
8:45am - Dechurched - for people who are believers, but not connected to a local church.

Molly O - Shared the financials for 2005 with the 9k shortfall. Our goal is vision based budgeting. Looking ahead to what God is leading us to do and budgeting accordingly. This vision based bugeting forces us to trust God for the future. So please pray as we move forward as we continue to stretch and trust God as we seek to win Macomb County for Jesus.

Scott B - Shared the deatails of the relocation team.The many unanswered question and seemingly long delays. But the particulars are; Awaiting the final agreement for the land sale of Brookview and the purchase of the Ray Twp. land. Exciting days, weeks and months are ahead as we continue to pray and seek God's direction on our next steps in this area.

We adjourned the meeting right before 6pm...and a GREAT time was had by all.

Keep praying, keep seeking, keep serving, keep speaking, and keep inviting people to come and join us on Easter at 8:45 or 10:30am

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Communication is critical. One of our goals for 2006 is to get better at communication. We know that we have sucked at communication in the past, so we are changing how we communicate. This blog will be one forum we will use along with a printed version of it for those that can't access the internet. Please stay tuned for our posts in the future!